How to Make Your Own Dark Chocolate Almond Bark

Jared Wolff · 2013.12.29 · 3 Minute Read · cooking · food

If there is one thing I like in this world its almonds. If there’s another food that I really enjoy, it’s dark chocolate. So, why not have the best of both worlds?

There was a burning desire in me to make some chocolate covered almonds the other day. Turns out its difficult to make perfectly coated almonds without special equipment ( chocolate almond maker here I come ) so I settled for the next best thing: chocolate almond bark.

Though it was only an experiment, the results were tasty. More details below..

Round up the ingredients

This recipe is super easy. It’s really really (really really) hard to get it wrong. Ready?

  1. 8 oz (2 x 4 oz chocolate bars) Dark Chocolate - I prefer dark chocolate that is organic without any soy (soya no es bueno). (In this case I had to suck it up because the chocolate I used did have soy)

    Dark Chocolate Packaging

  2. 9.5 oz Almonds

    Almond container

Grab your gear

There are a few kitchen implements that made this process a whole lot easier.

  1. Silpat Nonstick Mat - I placed the hot chocolate/almond mix on this pad. Once the chocolate mixture is solid it’s easily removable. You can also use wax paper or parchment paper but your mileage may vary!

    ![Silpat Pad](images/silpat.jpg)
  2. Double boiler -

    Double Boiler

  3. Hand crank chopper - Using this device was akin to starting my lawnmower. (For those dudes out there that are afraid of the kitchen this gadget is for you.)

    Hand Crank Chopper

  4. Flat cookie sheet - I recommend using one without edges.

    Cookie Sheet

Get to work

  1. Heat the double boiler:

    This was my first time ever using a double boiler. (Baby’s first double boiler experience. I know, I know.) I set the stove to medium high and filled the bottom pan with about an inch of water.

    Heat up double boiler

  2. Chop the almonds:

    Chopped Almonds

  3. Chop up the chocolate and place chocolate in double boiler:

    Chopped Chocolate

    Note: Instead of chopping I just broke the chocolate into pieces by hand.

  4. Wait.

    Partially melted chocolate.

    Note: chocolate can be deceptive. It will hold it’s form long after it has reached its melting point. Give it a stir or two once it looks like the picture above.

  5. Once fully melted, place chopped almonds in chocolate and mix well.

    Almonds in Chocolate

  6. Spread chocolate/almond mixture on Silpat.

    Chocolate Almond Mixture on Silpat

    Note: Make sure the silpat is on the cookie sheet. It will be much easier to move around.

  7. Place in a cool area and let it harden:

    In my case, I put it out on our enclosed porch for 15 minutes in the 34° weather. I recommend a full 20-25 minutes to ensure the chocolate is solid.

  8. Nom

    Chocolate Almond Bark

    Enjoy your chocolatey almondy goodness. Make sure you keep your concoction refrigerated and, if you’re going to keep it for a while, make sure you put it in the freezer.


Last Modified: 2020.3.7

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