How to Export Google Docs on a Schedule to Csv in Windows

Jared Wolff · 2019.6.5 · 2 Minute Read

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Here’s a quick how-to on how to configure your windows computer to download any Google spreadsheet to .csv a regular basis.

  1. Go to File then Publish

  2. Then select what sheet you want to make available. Select your sheet.

  3. Then select the output type. In most cases .csv is more than sufficient. Select format

  4. Click the green Publish button. Click that green Publish button

  5. Save the link given. We’ll need that in a second. Copy that link!

  6. Download and Install Git

  7. While installing, follow the prompts. Leave options as is.

  8. Open up your Task Manager Go to Administrative Tools

  9. Create a new task.

  10. Enter the name and select ‘Run whether or not user is logged in” Create a new task

  11. Create a trigger to run when you want. I set a trigger to run every day @ 5p Set the time duration

  12. Then create an action. Create the <code>action</code>

  13. In the Program/script field put in "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe"

  14. In the argument box put in --login -c "curl '<THE URL FROM STEP5>' > /c/Users/<ENTER YOUR USERNAME HERE>/Desktop/<FILENAME OF YOUR CHOICE>.csv" Make sure you keep the ‘’ that are surround the URL. Also, you will have to customize to your windows install. Find what your User folder is named and place it where I wrote <ENTER YOUR USERNAME HERE> (This is your Windows username. Open up Explorer go to C:\Users to double check)

  15. You should be good to go. Press OK to save your changes. You may be prompted for your password. Enter it. You may have to enter your login info

  16. To test, select the task and then on the right side click Run. Check your desktop location and it should have a file called <FILENAME OF YOUR CHOICE>.csv Test it!

Have fun!

Last Modified: 2020.3.7

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